/* IMPORTANT INFO: Shipping to Russia and Belarus is not possible at the moment */
All of our parcels are being shipped from Austria (Europe) via International Post. Below you find information on the different rate zones including shipping costs and delivery time. You can also use the shipping rate calculator in the basket.
Zone 1: EU-countries
Priority: € 3.49 (no tracking)
Tracked Priority: € 7.19
Zone 2: Rest of World
Tracked Priority or Registered Priority: € 5.99**
Delivery Time*
Europe (including non-EU-countries): 2-7 days
USA, Japan, India: 6 days
Rest of Asia: 7-21 days
Australia, Canada: 10-21 days
All other: 7-30 days
*The shipping time is an estimation and can vary in some countries. We usually post orders once a week (usually on Tuesdays).
**Customs duties are not included and will be collected separately by the responsible customs authorities of your country (Does not apply to EU-countries). From experience, we know that also most non-EU countries (USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Japan, Switzerland, UAE, Thailand, India…) don’t bother to collect duties for typical orders in this webshop.